Dulle Griet Garden

The MG Dulle Griet Garden residential project comprises 47 high-quality apartments. The historic façades were fully restored in association with the Department for Heritage Conservation (Dienst Monumentenzorg) and the architectural firms Bontinck and Jaspers-Eyers.

Behind this authentic look, you will be surprised by contemporary architecture in which historical elements have been incorporated. Anyone entering the building finds himself in another world. After the hustle and bustle of the city, relaxation and homely tranquillity follows. And green, because MG Dulle Griet Garden also has two beautifully landscaped city gardens, designed by the renowned garden and landscape architect Wirtz.

The project as a whole manifests in all its glory in the model apartment, which was designed entirely by internationally renowned architect Glenn Sestig. He was also responsible for the entrance halls of this residential project. MG Dulle Griet Garden, for stylish living.

51.056800997844, 3.7243864163246

Dulle Griet Garden

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Renaat Lanoote
Head of Urban & Residential Team
MG Real Estate I Renaat Lanotte